Friday, March 31, 2017

"Windows, Siding & Electric Panels" at Restaurant Site, Gateway Hills

Restaurant Update March 27-31

A lot of work has been completed this week at our Restaurant Site +Gateway Hills Bar & Grill

Here’s an update on what was completed this week:

Installation of aluminum storefront frames.
Southeastern & Southwestern walls: Aluminum storefront frame installation complete.
Southwestern wall: Aluminum storefront frame installation complete.
Northwestern wall: Aluminum storefront frame installation complete.
Saw-cutting parking lot in preparation for gas pipe trenching.
Northeastern wall: Dark bronze aluminum cornice wrap installed at roof-line.
Northwestern and southwestern walls: Dark bronze aluminum cornice wrap installed at roof-line.
Wiring for exterior building lights x6 locations.

Wiring coiled above future location for electrical panel.
Doors frames installed at main entryway.
Glass installed into frames along northwestern wall.
Blocking for pipe hangers installed across truss bay along top truss chords. Pipe installed in hangers.
Installation of glass in all frames, with the exception of doors.
Installation of stand-off blocking for steel canopies.
Wires installed for future power to patio canopy.
 Installation of rough electric and control wiring for RTU’s.
 One of three secondary roof drains that daylight in the rear of the building. Pipe will be cut back and final scupper will be installed at a later date.


Installation of ipe wood siding. Blocking out roof drains & RTU curbs.
 Blocking installed around primary and secondary drains, and blocking leveled and installed under RTU curbs. 

We are still looking for a restaurant operator for this 7,500 SF restaurant space for lease. If you know someone looking to open in a new location, call us today: 603-598-7500!

Want to know more?
Follow our progress blogs here:


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